“The Power Of The Ask” by Dianne H. Timmering

My four-year-old niece Lola was on the phone with my sister Linda recently and was telling her about her day. While they were talking, Lola suddenly stopped and asked my sister how much longer did she want to talk because her favorite show was coming on and she didn’t want to miss princess Sophia’s slumber party with her friends. Linda paused, laughed inside, and then told Lola that they could be done talking so she didn’t have to miss her show.

And I thought about the power of ‘the ask’.

Lola’s ‘ask’ was honest, direct, and specific and yielded her the result she wanted. Do we do that when we are praying? I know I have found myself thinking healing prayers when I pray for someone on the prayer chain, but DO I ask? And I found that my answer was often no, I didn’t.

Joe and I were so honored to be able to present our early research on the power of the ask and frankly since we did that livestream broadcast we have been more aware than ever of the intent of the ask and the power around it.

I am now asking for the healing of a chronic sickness for a resident…

I am now asking for the healing of a motorcycle victim’s broken bone and an ease of pain…

I am now asking that God zap a devilish cancer of a distant friend…

Let us be bold, specific and honest with God as to exactly what our requests are. It might take another few seconds to put our requests or thoughts into the form of an ‘ask’ but take the additional time up-front, in both mind, thought and deed, and see if the result isn’t faster, more complete and fully sustainable.

Ask…for God alone knows the desires of your heart and see if that doesn’t open up special dialogue. “Talk to me” He says, “I will meet you there.”

Dianne H. Timmering, MBA, MFA, CNA
Vice President of Spirituality and Legislative Affairs
Signature HealthCARE Consulting Services, LLC

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